Friday 2 September 2011

Aerial View of Mossel Bay

"You haven't seen a tree until you've seen it's shadow from the sky."
~ Amelia Earhart

"When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return."
~ Leonardo Da Vinci

"I pick the prettiest part of the sky and I melt into the wing and then into the air, till I'm just a soul on a sunbeam."
~ Richard Bach

"My soul is in the sky."
~ William Shakespeare

"My wings are a thousand books."
~ Gill Robb Wilson

"Gliders, sail planes, they're wonderful flying machines.  It's the closest you can come to being a bird."
~ Neil Armstrong

"I get to pretend I'm flying into space, and hang out with my friends.  That's what I do for a living."
~ Jeri Ryan

"It's only when you're flying above it that you realise how incredible the earth really is."
~ Philippe Perrin

"The desire to reach for the sky runs deep in our human psyche."
~ Cesar Pelli

"I have found adventure in flying, in world travel, in business, and even close at hand...

Adventure is a state of mind - and spirit."
~ Jacqueline Cochran

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